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23 August 2023

Fresh face for Windsor House to welcome in a new era

2 minute read

Windsor House is embracing a new era with a fresh look chosen by residents, families and staff which will brighten up their home.

The home is revamping the front room, dining room and garden lounge with big and exciting plans in the pipeline.

To narrow down the search, the team created mood boards which were voted on.

The importance of allowing residents to decorate their care home environment cannot be understated. Allowing residents to personalise and decorate their living spaces offers a multitude of benefits that contribute to their overall well-being and quality of life.

Encouraging residents to decorate their living spaces gives them a sense of ownership and control over their environment. This can contribute to a feeling of autonomy and empowerment as well as giving residents something new and exciting to look forward to.

Personalising living spaces with familiar belongings, decorations, and memorabilia can create a sense of comfort and familiarity for residents, and adding cherished items and decorations can have a positive impact on emotional well-being as familiar objects can evoke positive memories, reduce anxiety, and provide a sense of security.

“Incorporating residents' personal choices and preferences into the environment is a fundamental aspect of person-centred care. It promotes a holistic approach that focuses on the individual's needs and desires and that’s something important to us here at Windsor House.”

Ffion Caunce, Home Manager at Windsor House

Allowing residents to decorate their care home spaces is essential for promoting their emotional well-being, individuality, and sense of belonging. It enhances their living experience, supports their autonomy, and contributes to a positive and thriving care community. We’re super excited for the big reveal!

To find out more about Windsor House, please click here.

Kathryn Barton
Written by
Kathryn Barton
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