14 September 2023

Recruitment drive for Langtree Care Home

2 minute read

Millennium Care is looking to recruit a whole staff team for Langtree Care Home, an innovative development set to open in 2024. 

Langtree Care Home will join two other homes on its Chorley Road site creating the Standish Care Village.

The completion of the care village will provide an additional 52 care beds for the borough and will cater for respite, residential, nursing, dementia, and EMI care.

With an anticipated opening date of Spring 2024, Millennium is eager to create the perfect staff team to hit the ground running.

The provider is looking to fill Management, Admin, Nursing, Carer, Domestic, Kitchen and Maintenance positions and is asking those interested to contact them directly.

“First and foremost, Langtree Care Home will be a state-of-the-art and innovative care home which will provide outstanding EMI care. Purpose-built it will be the perfect place for future residents to age with grace and dignity.

“We’re delighted with the build but now it’s time to focus on creating a skilful, enthusiastic and caring staff team which will cement the home as one of the best in the country.

‘We ask anyone interested to fill out an expression of interest form on our website or contact us directly, we’ll then be reaching out in the coming weeks to start the recruitment process.”

Stacey Astin, Regional Group Manager at Millennium Care

To submit an expression of interest form please visit: Millennium Care | Langtree Interest (

For more information on the Standish Care Village please visit: Millennium Care | Standish Care Village (

Kathryn Barton
Written by
Kathryn Barton
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